Nuclear Forces and QCD: Never the Twain Shall Meet?

ECT* Trento: June 20th-July 1st 2005

The list of talks with links to a PDF file of the given presentation.

Mike Birse
(University of Manchester, U.K.)
Joe Carlson
(Los Alamos National Laboratory, U.S.A.)
Tom Cohen
(University of Maryland, U.S.A.)
The George Bertsch problem revisited
Luigi Coraggio
(Naples University & INFN Naples, Italy)
David Dean
(Oak Ridge National Laboratory, U.S.A.)
Arnoldas Deltuva
(University of Lisbon, Portugal)
Evgeny Epelbaum
Jim Friar
(Los Alamos National Laboratory, U.S.A.)
How far have we come? A brief history of the nuclear force
Anders Gårdestig
(Ohio University, Athens, U.S.A.)
Harald Grießhammer
(Technical University Munich, Germany)
Franz Gross
(College of William and Mary, U.S.A.)
Thomas Hemmert
(Technical University Munich, Germany)
Renato Higa
Charles Horowitz
(Indiana University, Bloomington, U.S.A.)
Norbert Kaiser
(Technical University Munich, Germany)
Alejandro Kievsky
(University of Pisa, Italy)
Bira van Kolck
(University of Arizona, Tucson, U.S.A.)
Rimantas Lazauskas
(Centre d'Études Bruyères-le-Châtel, France)
Ruprecht Machleidt
(University of Idaho, U.S.A.)
Laura Marcucci
(University of Pisa, Italy)
Petr Navràtil
(Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, U.S.A.)
Andreas Nogga
(Forschungzentrum Jülich, Germany)
Makoto Oka
(University of Tokyo, Japan)
Manolo Pavón Valderrama
(Granada University, Spain)
Francesco Pederiva
(University of Trento, Italy)
AFDMC and its application to neutron drops
Daniel Phillips
(Ohio University, Athens, U.S.A.)
Sofia Quaglioni
(University of Trento, Italy)
Mart Rentmeester
(University Medical Center Utrecht, The Netherlands)
News from the PWA front
Enrique Ruiz Arriola
(Granada University, Spain)
Achim Schwenk
(Indiana University, Bloomington, U.S.A.)
Ionel Stetcu
(University of Arizona, Tucson, U.S.A.)
Johan de Swart
(Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands)
Rob Timmermans
(KVI & University of Groningen, The Netherlands)
Emil Truhlik
(Nuclear Physics Institute, Rez, Czech Republic)
Tony Thomas
The origins of nuclear structure in QCD: A 21st century view
Steve Vigdor
(IUCF & Indiana University, Bloomington, U.S.A.)
Wolfram Weise
(Technical University Munich, Germany)
Andres Zuker
(IReS, Strasbourg, France)