16 July 2024

YN scattering data: GR63

Authors: Thomas H. Groves
Reference: Phys. Rev. 129 (1963), 1372.
Group: LRL

The experiment:

26 elastic Λ p events have been seen in a 30 inch propane bubble chamber which was placed in a magnetic field of 13 kG and exposed to the 1.15 BeV/c K- minus meson beam at the Lawrence Radiation Laboratory Bevatron. 103000 pairs of stereo photographs were scanned; 31 events were recorded; 5 had to be rejected.

The data:

Λ p → Λ p total elastic cross section (SGT)
momentum range      number of     SGT [mb]
    [MeV/c]          events

  150 - 1500           26        25 +/- 5
momentum range      number of     SGT [mb]
    [MeV/c]          events

  150 -  600            6        22 +/- 10
  600 - 1500           20        19 +/-  5


The article contains a table with characteristic properties of each event. 16 July 2024