22 October 2024

YN scattering data: PI64

Authors: L. Piekenbrock, F. Oppenheimer
Reference: Phys. Rev. Lett. 12 (1964), 625.
Group: Boulder

The experiment:

11 elastic Λ p events have been recorded in the Berkeley-Powell 30-inch heavy liquid bubble chamber. The liquid used was a mixture of 76% CF3Br and 24% C3H8. The Λ's were produced in K- - nucleus reactions. 45000 frames were scanned.

The data:

Λ p → Λ p total elastic cross section (SGT)
momentum range      number of     SGT [mb]
    [MeV/c]          events

  150 - 400            11       34 +/- 10

Notes: 22 October 2024