16 July 2024

YN scattering data: ST61

Authors: F. Russell Stannard
Reference: Phys. Rev. 121 (1961), 1513.
Group: LRL

The experiment:

Events have been seen in the 30-inch propane bubble chamber of the Lawrence Radiation Laboratory. 200000 pictures were scanned.

The data:

Σ+ p → Σ+ p total elastic cross section (SGT)
momentum range      number of     SGT [mb]
    [MeV/c]          events

 100 - 1900            10       38 + 18 - 14
Σ- p → Σ- p total elastic cross section (SGT)
momentum range      number of     SGT [mb]
    [MeV/c]          events

100 - 1900              6       10 + 6 - 4

Notes: 16 July 2024