YN scattering data: ST61
The experiment:
Events have been seen in the 30-inch propane bubble chamber of the
Lawrence Radiation Laboratory.
200000 pictures were scanned.
The data:
Σ+ p → Σ+ p
total elastic cross section (SGT)
momentum range number of SGT [mb]
[MeV/c] events
100 - 1900 10 38 + 18 - 14
Σ- p → Σ- p
total elastic cross section (SGT)
momentum range number of SGT [mb]
[MeV/c] events
100 - 1900 6 10 + 6 - 4
The article contains a table with characteristic properties of each
Corrections for undetectable small angle scattering have been applied;
For Σ+ scattering an isotropic angular distribution
is assumed while
for Σ- scattering some peaking in the forward direction
is assumed.