17 December 2024

Elastic Σ+ p scattering data

This is a list of all Σ+ p elastic scattering data that are known to us. The list is divided into tables with the same observables. Observables for elastic Σ+ p scattering that have been measured are:

These measurements are ordered on their momentum range.

Σ+ p → Σ+ p Total elastic cross-section
 momentum range      number of       SGT [mb]      reference
    [MeV/c]           events

   100 -  1900          10        38  + 18 - 14     ST61
   140 -   150           4       123    +/-  62     EI71
   140 -   175           9        83    +/-  34     RU67
   148 -   158                   203    +/- 117     DO66
   150 -   160          13       104    +/-  30     EI71
   158 -   168                   143    +/-  58     DO66
   160 -   170          35        92    +/-  18     EI71
   168 -   178                    89    +/-  28     DO66
   170 -   180          69        81    +/-  12     EI71
   500 -  1500          10        31.2  +/-  10.1   CH70
  1500 -  2500           8        18.7  +/-   6.6   CH70
  2500 -  4000           4        31.2  +/-   7.8   CH70
Differential cross-section
based on 30 events in the range 148 - 178 MeV/c

    cos(theta)       DSG [mb]

  -0.4 -  -0.2     40 +/-  20
  -0.2 -   0.0     30 +/-  20
   0.0 -   0.2     40 +/-  20
   0.2 -   0.4     90 +/-  30
   0.4 -   0.6    120 +/-  50
   0.6 -   0.8    170 +/- 110
based on 156 events in the range 160 - 180 MeV/c

    cos(theta)       DSG [mb]

  -0.6 -  -0.4     36 +/-  8
  -0.4 -  -0.2     32 +/-  7
  -0.2 -   0.0     54 +/-  9
   0.0 -   0.2     47 +/-  8
   0.2 -   0.4     50 +/- 10
   0.4 -   0.6     58 +/- 10
   0.6 -   0.7     52 +/- 32
based on 11 events in the range 300 - 600 MeV/c

   cos(theta)          DSG [mb]

  -0.4 - 0.1       2.2   +3.2 -1.1
   0.1 - 0.6       3.3   +2.5 -1.2
based on 31 events in the range 350 - 750 MeV/c

   cos(theta)        DSG [mb]

 -0.8 -  -0.4     7.2   +17.0 -5.9 (stat.)  +/- 2.6 (syst.)
 -0.4 -   0.0     7.1    +4.0 -3.1 (stat.)  +/- 0.8 (syst.)
  0.0 -   0.4     2.8    +2.7 -1.3 (stat.)  +/- 0.3 (syst.)
  0.4 -   0.8     6.9    +7.9 -5.5 (stat.)  +/- 1.0 (syst.) 17 December 2024